Works in progress

Last month was a busy one for teaching in the studio - a number of students, and about 93 pots total, once the kiln was unloaded & the work completed. Some students were beginners - just curious about being in the studio & wanting to work with clay - others were experienced potters, focusing in on new projects & new skills.

I love how you can't always tell who is who by the finished 'product.' Beginners have an advantage over the experienced potter - I always observe with just a little jealousy - the innocence, delight, the lack of conceit. It's a cliche, but, I'm sure, many days, I learn far more from my students than they're learning from me. Experience - dearly-sought & hard-won - but. It inhibits more than inspires, and the more serious your work gets, the more you wrestle with this fact.

Look for a minute at the generous, easy, proportions of this plate form. The restful rising curve - the rim, left to be what it is - not over-worked, big but not overstated. A blunted hacksaw blade, bent into a loop & scurrying around the inner surface, combs up an invigorating texture - just right for the right glaze.
Is this plate the creation of the experienced, restrained, potter who knows materials, tools, forms, inside & out? Or is it a naive exploration, a foray, albeit by someone with a steady hand & a good, focused, concentration.

There's a new portfolio of recent student work here.
In other news. Green River Pottery is joining the list of local businesses in Santa Fe who support the Santa Fe Animal Shelter by allowing its frequent donors a discount. Click on the image above to learn more. Consider the numerous perks of participating!

How about this one. Experimental student work - or studio potter yearning to be more student-like?
Click to see this piece at the on-line shop - it's a favorite of my latest firing.